Books and Articles
Victoria Moran
In the current climate of online “content,” almost nobody is “just a writer” anymore. Like most of my colleagues these days, I have a multi-lane career. I run Main Street Vegan Academy, training Vegan coaches, educators, and entrepreneurs. I’m a professional speaker and I do the Main Street Vegan Podcast as well as a live stream on Unchained TV, the Main Street Vegan Salon. I’m a co-director the Compassion Consortium, a spiritual center for animal advocates. And I’m working with my husband, William Melton, and Farm Sanctuary president Gene Baur, on bringing a feature film into being: Miss Liberty, about a cow who escapes from a slaughterhouse. (You can read about some of these other things I do by visiting the “Additional Ventures” page.)
And yet if you and I met at a party and you asked me, “What do you do?” I’d say, “I write books.” Not only have I been saying that for decades and it just comes naturally, being an author—and writing shorter pieces, too—is, I’m convinced, the reason I came to earth.

New Release

Age Like a Yogi
A Heavenly Path to a Dazzling Third Act
My 14th and newest book, Age Like a Yogi: A Heavenly Path to a Dazzling Third Act, is now available everywhere. Not a how-to-do-yoga-postures book at all, this is rather an exploration of the practical wisdom of yoga, the youth-preserving secrets of ayurveda (yoga’s sister science), and the life-enhancing power of ahimsa, living gently, to create peace, pizzazz and vitality in every decade.
Order it now from, or your favorite local bookstore.
More books to help the world feel better
Soothe your soul, energize your life, and keep the glow going

Creating a Charmed Life
Sensible, Spiritual Secrets Every Busy Woman Should Know
“In this book you’ll be rewarded with dozens of powerful and practical strategies that will help you bring out the charmed in your own life.”
—Richard Carlson, Ph.D., author Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Shelter for the Spirit
Make Your Home a Haven in a Hectic World
“Victoria Moran has put her finger on the collective pulse—who among us doesn’t need more comfort and peace? This is a very good book to read and savor.”
—Marianne Williamson, New York Times bestselling author of A Return to Love and Everyday Grace

Younger by the Day
365 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Body and Revitalize Your Spirit
“Thought-provoking…Moran’s newest book seems like one that will (pardon the expression) age well.”
—Chicago Tribune

Fit from Within
101 Simple Secrets to Change Your Body and Your Life
“I read a chapter a day. I love the one titled ‘Get Up, Get Dressed, Get Going.'”
—Michael Moore, Academy Award winning filmmaker, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko, Bowling for Columbine

Main Street Vegan
Everything You Need to Know to Eat Healthfully and Live Compassionately in the Real World
“I’m delighted that you’re making the vegan lifestyle more accessible and achievable.”
—President Bill Clinton

The Love-Powered Diet:
Eating for Freedom, Health, and Joy
“Victoria Moran’s powerful book bridges the gap between knowing that we should eat better and actually doing it. The Love-Powered Diet is thoroughly researched and beautifully written. It gets my highest recommendation.”
—Neal D. Barnard, M.D., President of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and author of the New York Times bestseller 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart

Lit From Within
Tending Your Soul for Lifelong Beauty
“A true spiritual friend, filled with thoughtful inspiration on loving and experiencing your own unique beauty at the soul level.”
—Kristine Carlson, co-author of the New York Times bestseller Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love

The Good Karma Diet
Eat Gently, Feel Amazing, Age in Slow Motion
“Be good to others, get good back. Eat beautiful food, create a beautiful life. This is kitchen table karma, the sweetest and simplest kind, elegantly presented by Victoria Moran, who knows from experience that a little produce and a lot of love can change, well, just about everything.”
—Kris Carr, New York Times bestselling author of Crazy Sexy Kitchen and Crazy Sexy Diet

Living a Charmed Life
Your Guide to Finding Magic in Every Moment of Every Day
“Victoria Moran’s words of wisdom, inspiration and magic are a soothing balm for anyone who is sad, dissatisfied or simply in need of upliftment.”
—Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret

Compassion the Ultimate Ethic
An Exploration of Veganism
“I welcome Victoria Moran’s book as an important contribution to holistic health.”
—Jon Wynne-Tyson, author of Food for a Future: The Complete Case For Vegetarianism and editor of The Extended Circle: An Anthology of Humane Thought

Fat, Broke, & Lonely No More
Your Personal Solution to Overeating, Overspending, and Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
“Simple, straightforward, and the perfect antidote to the struggles we all face.”
—Mariel Hemingway, author of Mariel Hemingway’s Healthy Living from the Inside Out

The Main Street Vegan Academy Cookbook
Over 100 Plant-Sourced Recipes Plus Practical Tips for the Healthiest, Most Compassionate You
“…I applaud Victoria and JL for their beautiful book that will help so many people renew their commitment to a vegan lifestyle or find the courage to take the first step.”
—Emily Deschanel, actor, Bones and Devil in Ohio
A Few Select Articles

Center for Nutrition Studies:
Making Peace With Food Choices in the New Year

Yoga Journal:
Use Yogic Philosophy to Conquer Frequent Flyer Rage

Vegan Voices (anthology ed. by Joanne Kong):
“Yoga, Veganism and Me,” an essay in the anthology, Vegan Voices, for which I also wrote the foreword.

Health Science magazine:
Ayurveda: Lifestyle Medicine with a 5000-Year History
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Your charmed life is uniquely yours. It will grow out of being true to your earnest yearnings and your most sacred commitments.
—from Living a Charmed Life